
The Big-Big Love of uNkulunkulu

In the rich tapestry of South African languages, we find the beauty and depth in the names we give our Creator, to God. In isiZulu, uNkulunkulu, a name for Father God, translates quite literally to "Big-Big". This term capture not only the grandeur of the diving but also the vastness of God's love that stretches beyond our human comprehension. It serves as a reminder that we're dealing with something immeasurably vast and beautiful. Exploring the Kingdom As a believer, I have often contemplated the notion of God's Kingdom. It's not just an abstract theological concept. For me, it's a reality that carries profound transformational power. It's the idea that we can experience, here and now, a world shaped by love, compassion and justice - a world that mirrors the heavenly perfection we believe in. It's the aspiration for the Kingdom to be present, on earth as it is in heaven. This blog is more than just my reflections; I would like it to be a mosaic o